Monday, December 26, 2011

10 things i can't live without

so this post is practically a response to diana's post over here about stuff you can't go on without. buehehe (gelak style baru. cool tak? ) 

1. phone. fully charged phone.
2. cermin mata.
3. duit!
4. handkerchief ( i sweat ALL the time )
5. lotion.
(thinking hard)
6. ....
oh God, that's as far i could think of. 


dianazlan ♥ said...

hew hew. Tal sangka ada org ikut buat sama . Aku terharu far T.T

Haha. Sweat all the time tu sama lah dgn aku. kan hahaha

dah tu, kau g buat semua yg berkaitan okay :D

tukangkarut said...

baik bos! another fun way to communicate with uuuu