Thursday, February 17, 2011


  Almost everyday she meets up different people. Though they are her own children and grandchildren. Strangers.
Stuck in the World War II, she couldn't stop but to think there is danger almost everywhere. Packing things up, asking me to give her a ride to the nearest haven is almost her daily routine.
Old people, they need tons of attention from the younger ones.


Redjasper said...

sadly... this is wht my popo's facing... :( miss the old days

tukangkarut said...

standing up straight for the new days.

adiLa said...

akk aku mengalami penyakit nie tp die x tua lg aku rase laa.. haha.. mati aku klu die tau aku kutuk die kt blog ko.. tp btol cme x bape kritikal laa.. haha..

tukangkarut said...

dia lupa2 tapi masih muda? tu amnesia tu. kena jumpa bomoh dukun sraten. haha

The Other Topeng said...

kurang ajar ni buat post pasal atok aku. saman ko. saman ko.

tukangkarut said...

pulok dah. tribute ni.