Saturday, January 29, 2011


the picture up there actually has nothing involved with what moi gonna talk about. everybody knows that fb is the new age style of communicating and rumors had it fb will be closed in this year. face it, why would anyone tutup buku at their very peak success?

ada macam macam orang kat facebook. bodoh jugak cakap benda macam ni.

1. Buat account lepas tu penuhkan wall orang (sila terasa aid, odah, madi ). mangsa: aku, joe, topek.

2. Non-stop updating on their bf/gf. ex: ary ni titew kuar nan cyg itew.. wiuu..

3. Stok2 update pasal korean artists. face it, those jambu boys/ girls don't even know you exist in this hella world siaa. korang ingat best sangat jambu2 segala? tambah2 male korean artists nyanyi joget2 bagai kalahkan pompuan. ( emo lebih sebab kat home aku bukan main lagi penuh)

4. Stok2 kipas-susah-mati twilight. gossip girl. they are just characters and they won't fall in love with you. just saying.

5. Weird/cool middle name. Abu "Naga Merah" bin Seman.

6. Facebook as personal diary. " today i went out with so-and-so and we bumped into so-and-so and it was so humiliating bla.. bla.. bla.."


8. The guys who add every single hot chics available on facebook.

9. "Follow my blog. I'll follow urs right away"

ada banyak lagi tapi itu yang terasa nak cakap. facebook, connecting people :)


Unknown said...

itu la kgunaan facebook..4 d first one 2,at least,kami x slh attck wall org even IMPIAN KAMI SAMER~

tukangkarut said...

saya tak nak kawan dengan nahdatul fatihah lagi dah.